Halloween Night

Once open a Halloween Night,there was a kid named Josh and he was trick-er-treating. He passed by an abanoned school and he decided to stop and go in the abandoned school. Once he walked in, he found a flashlight on the ground, and it worked! Then he kept walking to look around and then…Boom!The flashlight went out. He was so scared! He heared a swoosh and a growl. It was a monster named Laus. Josh found the quia board that he left in there when he was playing it. It hit him. He remared he forgot to say goodbye! The monster got closer and closer, then the monster jumped out and got Josh! The next day Josh’s parents were looking for him. They never found him so his parents called the cops. The cops wentto look for him. The cops passed by the abandoned school. The monster jumped out and got the cops. No one ever found the kid again. No one ever went to the abandoned school again.


I would live in JamesTown becuse they are wealthy. Plus they have gold. They are colinsistes and we have food. We don’t have to hunt for our food. We celerbrate ThanksGiving and we have good food. We also have a king.




Many men and women were on the MayFlower,

Able to be free,

Yes their were two Idians on the MayFlower,

For a fact there were people from England on the MayFlower,

Last place the MayFlower was is West Yarmouth MapleWood,

Out in about in differnt seas,

English merchant ship of the 17th century,

Rain made the MayFlower hard to steer.

Image result for mayflower

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